Dior's spring collection, which'll arrive exclusively on counters at Brown Thomas from the 2nd of January 2012 and then go nationwide from the 16th, is absolutely beautiful. In fact, 2012 has one of the strongest and most cohesive candied, pastel colour palettes across the luxury lines I've seen for a few years. We'll be checking some more of 'em out this week so you'll see what I mean, but for now lets get stuck into what Dior have on offer in about a month's time.
Milly Garden
The star of the show is the Dior Garden Clutch. Limited Edition, it's this spring's take on the Minauderie of last Christmas - remember the one that caused so much covetous want? - and it'll come in two shade variations, Milly Garden and Granville Garden. The damage for three shadow shades, two glosses and the most beautiful packaging you ever did see? €74, please.
Granville Garden
There's lots more for eyes: the 5 Couleurs Garden Edition palettes I like so much come in a couple of really exquisite-looking limited editions as part of Garden Party too. Each is €55.
441 Garden Pastels
841 Garden Roses
Also available for eyes will be two of the new 3 Couleurs Smoky Eyeshadows in 461 Smoky Garden (a limited edition) and 961 Smoky Violet.
Now, this is how you do a blush. And get this for magic marvellousness: "Fresh Colour Reveal Technology enables the blush to intuitively adjust to the moisture level of each skin type to give a fresh, customized colour." Swit swoo. Does it work? I intend to find out. Diorskin Rosy Glow in Petal is €43.
And of course there are goodies for nails: Waterlily and Mauve are the shades Tyen, Dior's makeup creative genius is decreeing will be haute to trot for talons for 2012. Oh - did I mention that they're scented? Well they are: each has a seductive rose scent, apparently. For the fanciness. Limited edition, natch, and you'll hand over €23 for the privilege of owning either shade.
The collection also features products for lips in the form of various shades of Rouge Dior Haute Couleur lipstick, Rouge Dior Serum de Rouge and Dior Addict Ultra Gloss (top pic) as well as Skinflash and Skinflash Primer.
Give me a couple of hundred quid and I'd have one of those Dior Garden Clutch, a 5 couleurs shadow palette, that gorgeous green polish and the blusher, I reckon. What about you?