I'll tell you something for nothing: I love getting a hush-hush goo at forthcoming beauty bits when they're in lab-style pots, labelled with incomprehensible serial numbers. It makes me feel fierce special. I got to mash my paws into a couple of similarly sciencey pots of the forthcoming Giorgio Armani Bushing Fabric blushers, €35, a few months ago when I met Giorgio Armani makeup artist and product designer Linda Cantello.
In November, all Blushing Fabric had to recommend it was shade and texture, because there was no fancy outer wrapper to lull me into a false sense of gimme gimme gimme. But colour and feel were enough as it happens and I have been waiting for this line to launch for aaaaaages.
These remind me a lot of Yves Saint Laurent's Creme de Blush in that they're silicone-tastic, super-soft, a cinch to blend and look gorgeous on. I adore silicone. Brilliant for blusher eejits (tm), it makes cosmetics go on like a dream, it smooths out skintone and fills in pores, it's so easy to work with while giving you time to place the product properly, and it's just all round feckin' fabulous. Well, unless you've got very oily cheeks, that is, because then you might not like it in this product, as it could just slide right on out of there.
Three shades will debut on June 1st: coral, strawberry pink and pale pink will be the offering and I want them all. ALL.