I have a ridiculous amount of stuff in my handbag. It's the mala that launched a thousand lipsticks, and then I wonder why my back hurts. Oh, that'll be the mountain of useless crap I lug about on a daily basis, so. Problem is, my bag is quite capacious and that's great in the sense that it can fit loads, but it also means I'm frequently amazed at what I find in there.
Like this little lot, for instance. I cleaned it out before Electric Picnic of a mountain of tatty notebooks, bank statements, leaky pens, tissues and random one cent coins, but there was still a fair amount of stuff secreted in its various pockets. Like, for instance, my long-lost bottle of quick-dry nail polish drops. Aha! So that's where I put 'em! And that new Chanel lipgloss I'd been meaning to blog about but couldn't find. In my bag. Ah, where else would I keep it eh? The bathroom - oh not likely.
Two YSL Rouge Volupte's I've been missing; my orange lipstick from Giorgio Armani's Tokyo Corals collection I haven't clapped eyes on since about July and that Gosh Holographic polish I bought recently, refused a bag for and then lost down the bottom were all rediscovered, as was my Paul and Joe hand mirror, my Prestige Skin Loving Minerals compact and various other balms and lipsticks.
So tell me - what beauty bits have you got in you handbag RIGHT THIS VERY SECOND?
Spill all in the comments!