I feel like I should be David Starkey in a historical documentary. Or David Attenborough expounding on the mysteries of the natural world.
For I have made a discovery. It's as good as my Scott of the Antarctic discovery yesterday actually and so I chalk that up as a very good week Beaut.ie-wise.
I love nude nails. Now I know the rest of yis are all into yer bling and yer statement nails and your fancy Skittles manicures and what have you, and yes sometimes I am too.
But the fact is - all those swanky colours are just so high maintenance. One little chip and the manicure is ruined. But with nude shades - why you can get a whole week out of them and no one notices. Sure your whole nail would have to be practically hanging off before anything looks askew.
Gray Suede from Revlon, €9, is very very good indeed. It's being hailed as a dupe for Chanel's Particuliere - but it's not. It's a much lighter colour (closer to Inattendu, Chanel fans) and a true nude. With the added benefit that Revlon nail varnishes are purse friendly, dry rock hard and last really well of course.