Interest was piqued when I blogged about the stuff I'd taken to New York with me. All I'm really using on my hair right now is oil, oil and more oil, and Moroccanoil shampoo and conditioner form the basis of my 'routine'. I'm really really pleased with them. My hair's needed a trim for oh, about six months now (no joke, I am extremely lazy when it comes to matters follicular and that includes shaving my legs) and they're keeping it looking a lot better than it normally would after such excessive neglect.
So when the Moroccanoil travel kit popped through the letterbox for review I was pretty darn gratified. You get 70m sizes of both shampoo and conditioner plus a 75ml Hydrating Styling Cream and two sizes of the oil treatment itself in 10ml and 25ml bottles. They're contained in a wipeable, branded travel bag, and the damage is €35. Which is quite frankly a lot at first glance.
As a result I wouldn't really recommend this for a first-timer. I think it's quite a hard pill to swallow for travel sizes of something you've never tried, even though these are truly excellent products. My pathetic attempt at Beauty Maths (TM) has ascertained that it does represent OK value for money though - you get 35mls of the oil included, which costs €38 for 100mls for example, as well as decent sizes of the other products which cost from €18 for 250mls of shampoo to €28 for 300mls of the hydrating style cream. Brain broken now but I *think* the cost is justified.
If you are new to this range - which really does deserve the love it gets - then in all honesty I think I'd tell you to buy the shampoo and conditioner or a bottle of the oil first. Once you're hooked, reeled-in and landed, you're probably going to have no qualms whatsoever about shelling our for this for holliers and weekends away to maintain those frizz-easing and shine-giving results.
Buy in salons like Queen, Zeba and Dylan Bradshaw or online at BeautyFeatures.ie