Here at Beaut.ie towers we're well used to the fact that, of course, men use the stuff that's lying about the bathroom. Has he borrowed your tweezers? Of course he bloody has. Did he put a dab of Eight Hour Cream on his chapped lips and nose after a cold? Tick. Perhaps he - and this is a huge stretch - uses moisturiser. Perhaps he even uses YOUR MOISTURISER.
Not news to me, you, and I would have thought, the entire female firmament, but a home insurance company in the UK saw fit to conduct a completely ridic survey to map men's cosmetic habits and then sensationalised it up as 'men are using your makeup'. Ok, that's what piqued my interest - I was having visions of the Men of the World dickied up like Marc Jacobs in Francois Nars' recent beauty book, as per the image above. Now that would be interesting.
But, eh, no. The real results are far more boring. He's using your scrub and nail file. He might borrow a dab of concealer every now and then or a blast of your hairdryer. Yawn. Not one bit of MAC Ruby Woo or Bobbi Brown gel liner made the cut. No glitter, shimmer or sparkle was found to pique the interest of men, and they're definitely not using blusher. And of course, we're no strangers to fellas getting down with a little Veet either, are we?
Have a gander at this completely unremarkable list below and then tell us in a comment if a) this is one bit surprising at all and b) what your fella regularly uses.
1. Tweezers: 39%
2. Moisturiser 37%
3. Hair dryer: 36%
4. Nail file / buffer: 29%
= 5. Hair styling products: 22%
=5. Lip salve / lip gloss: 22%
=7. Face mask / facial scrub: 15%
=7. Shaver: 15%
9. Concealer / foundation: 10%
10. Hair removal cream / wax: 8%
(slightly strange figures (no 6 and no 8??) from Independent.co.uk)