If I ever have to ask in-store for this shampoo by name, I think I'll just call it "you know, that purple John Frieda one" - its full and correct title is John Frieda Sheer Blonde Colour Renew Tone Restoring Shampoo.
Snappy, eh?
Anyway, this is another of those purple shampoos that I like to use to ward off brassiness in my blonde-ish highlights. They're so effective that Mam never fails to wonder if I've got my hair done after washing it with a purple shampoo, and while you might expect that freshening your highlights would make your roots look more pronounced, I find that the opposite is actually the case. (Also, I get to murder sing "Purple Rain" in the shower as the shampoo rinses down the plughole. Hey, it's the little things.)
It's safe to say that I'm a big, big fan of purple shampoos. So how would this offering stack up to my exacting standards?
Well, "that purple John Frieda one" gets points straight off the bat for being easily available and not too pricey (and I got mine on three for two in Boots - score.) The instructions advise to leave in hair for one minute before rinsing, but it does rinse out easily and cleanly, and happily didn't leave behind either any residue or a lilac hue on my locks! Once dry, my highlights definitely looked brighter and less yella, and my roots looked less obvious.
The only problem is that I think it may be drying out my usually well-behaved scalp: I noticed (and had a little meltdown about) some flakiness after use, and I reckon this is the culprit since it's the only change in my haircare routine. Gah! I'm going to limit use to once a week and hope that's enough to keeps the flakies at bay, because otherwise I really like this shampoo.