I made a foray to one of my local pharmacies recently to bag myself some Catrice goodies, and am still in the process of testing and trying 'em all out. Known as Essence's big sister, this German brand is fairly widely available in Ireland, but doesn't get much love. Here's one product I thought you'd like to hear about, knowing the levels of concealer-obsession on Beaut.ie.
Catrice Allround Concealer costs about €3.50 (!) and contains three shades of concealer and two of corrective cream colour. The shades of concealer are obviously designed to, er, conceal, with the pink shade for use on dark circles and the green meant to tone down redness.
First things first - if you're a Bobbi Brown creamy concealer or Lancome Effacernes fan, you'll find the textures just too light for you. But if you go for more sheer coverage, like that from YSL Touche Eclat-style products, or just don't have the cash to splash on more expensive products, then I think you'll get on ok with this. I'm the former, so this little palette of skin-shaded goodies just doesn't have enough coverage for my preferences.
One huge advantage here though is the fact you can custom-blend your own concealer colour, using a mix of the first two or three shades - that's really appealing, especially if you find it hard to get a match off the shelf. So what are the colour-corrective shades like? I have zero faith in green creams anyway and found this did precisely zilch to take down any redness on my cheeks. Likewise I'm not a fan of using concealer caked on below the eye area as it always moves and creases, but the pink cream would be useful for placing in at the dark corner of the eye by the nose, to lift the area a little.
So where is Catrice stocked? The problem with this brand is they do little to no PR, meaning we've no access to a stockist list, so it's a case of just finding it where you see it. Selected Dunnes branches and pharmacies carry it - my local chemist Janet Dillon on Manor Street, Dublin 7, being a case in point. We've canvassing all our readers on our Facebook page to tell us where it can be found in their area, so leave us a comment on Facebook if you know of any stockists, and once we have a comprehensive list, we'll post 'em on the blog.