Even though I am lucky enough to get a lot of beauty bits as samples on account of my job 'o work, meaning I don't have to lay down cold hard cash for 'em, it might surprise you to know I do still buy beauty products, cos at heart I am a makeup junkie - so the lust is in me.
I mostly buy repeats of stuff I definitely absolutely cannot live without (foundation, fragrance, eyeliner, particular shadow shades, mascara and skincare) and I also get things online from sites like Mise Beauty, who sell hard-to-find brands like Julie Hewitt Los Angeles (a new recent obsession). I just took delivery of one of her Cheekies, and a Hue Colour for eyes. More about them soon.
The other place I buy beauty is abroad. Prompted by a recent reader request for one post where we'd all gather together our recommendations for the stuff we like to buy on our travels, I do declare: here it is. Last time I was in Paris I loaded up at Monoprix, and I always hit up Shu Uemura when I get a chance too. Sephora's a must-visit in any country that has one, Suqqu and RMK are another pair of brands I consistently intend (and then forget) to buy, and something from the Dolce & Gabbana makeup line is going to come into my posession the next time I'm UK-bound.
Fact is, there are lots of great brands out there we can't get here, both high and low end, and that's one of the appealing things about traveling for any beauty junkie: the discovery of new and interesting bits.
So, what do you buy when you head to foreign climes? Tell all in the comments.