Boots No7 Launch Protect & Perfect Day Cream SPF15 and You Can WIN!

Boots has upped the product claims ante in recent years with respected double-blind clinical studies for its No7 Protect & Perfect products and so convinced have women been that the original serum, Protect & Perfect and the super-strength Protect & Perfect Intense, were both subject to instant sell-outs, waiting lists and anguished gals dying to get their hands on a bottle.

Today two new products in the P&P franchise launch. No7 Protect & Perfect Intense Day Cream SPF15, €28.49, and Protect & Perfect Day Cream SPF15, €26.95,* are the latest stars in the firmament and this time the company has focused on something close to's heart: UV protection.  These day creams have a rich, gel-cream texture and the proven anti-ageing properties of the Protect & Perfect range, including retinyl palmitate, anti-oxidants, alfalfa and peptides.

Oh, and did I mention that they've both got a FIVE star UVA rating?

Well, they do. The star rating system is another Boots innovation that acts as a measure for consumers so they can see the ratio of protection against burning and ageing contained within their products with regards to UV rays.  Three UVA stars is common, but five - while often present in the sunscreen we use on sun holidays, for example - is quite obviously an excellent thing altogether to be included in your day cream, helping it really effectively do two jobs at once.

Providing broad-spectrum protection against UVB rays (burning) and UVA rays (ageing), Boots says there are no other day creams on the Irish market with the all-important five star figure. This is big news for anyone looking to stave off the ageing process as these products provide the optimum levels of matching protection against UVA and UVB rays, and they've got those anti-ageing abilities too. That's really great news given what we know about cumulative skin ageing and the fact that these products have been proven to reduce UV exposure by up to 90% is reassurance indeed.

So, you know we wouldn't tease you unnecessarily with all this science-speak, don't you? Yup - that's right, and we have FIVE sets of the new Protect & Perfect day cream, eye cream, night cream PLUS serum to give away! A 12 week study showed that women said skin looked smoother, more radiant and younger-looking, along with a visible improvement in lines and wrinkles using No7 Protect & Perfect Intense day, night and serum in comparison to using No7 Protect & Perfect Intense Beauty Serum alone.


And some of you'll get to test that claim for yourselves - entry details are after the cut.



THE QUESTION: How much is the new Protect & Perfect Day Cream SPF15?

HOW TO ENTER: Send your answer plus your NAME and POSTAL ADDRESS to, marking your entry 'No7'


THE RULES: you MUST be signed up to one of our newsletters to be entered in the draw; one entry per person; you must be a resident of Ireland (north or south); no cash alternative is possible and the competition will close at 5pm 15th Sept 2010. We never share your details with any third party.

*I know you'll ask so here goes: the intense one is for an older woman, say 40+, and the regular, non-intense cream is for 25 up. But it all depends on your skin; if you're younger and showing signs of ageing, you could try the intense version.

Sorry, this competition has ended now. You can check the Latest Competitions here

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