We've probably all been there, too tired or tipsy or simply not sufficiently arsed to go through the palaver of removing make-up at the end of the day. Hitting the hay with a face full of slap is one of the ultimate beauty no-nos, right up there with picking at spots. That said, there are a couple of things you can do the morning after the night before to help skin along the road to recovery.
Clean your face.
Yes, it's an obvious one, but I'm not talking about giving your mush a quick once over with a face wipe. What's required here is a really thorough, deep cleanse to clear out your poor abused pores. Opt for something that you know leaves your face absolutely squeaky clean but not dried out (I'd be reaching for my Eve Lom at this juncture.)
You'll want to get rid of those dull, flaky skin cells that have seemingly multiplied exponentially overnight.
Use a face mask.
Something purifying, with clay if you're prone to oiliness, to draw out any deep seated dirt and other impurities. You can also substitute a different mask - maybe Dermalogica's amazing magic one? - to get moisture back into dehydrated areas.
Your skin will be parched after sleeping under a layer of foundation and blusher and powder (oh my!), so choose a moisturiser that you know your skin will really drink in. To pack even more of a rehydrating punch, layer your moisturiser on atop a nourishing serum.
Keep a spot treatment on hand.
Be ready to precision blitz any blighters that do raise their ugly heads. Something with salicylic acid, like Garnier's Pure Active Roll-On or a DIY Aspirin mask mix dabbed only on the spots themselves, would do the job nicely.
If that all seems like a lot of work, well, most people are only prone to sleeping in their slap at the weekend so sure it's likely to be a day off that you'll have to devote to sorting out your skin. Think of it as a "me" day. And sure maybe next time just take off your make-up before going to bed, eh Alice?
Pic from metalsucks.net