Despite the fact it's got the detestable Chris Tucker and the heinous-to-the-maxXx Lee Evans in it, I have a huge soft spot for the Fifth Element. In fact, it's safe to say, along with Bladerunner (also top-notch for replicant-tastic beauty), it's one of the films I can happily watch on endless repeat - though here's a warning against the BluRay release of the latter: unless you enjoy endless lens-flare effects and ropey 3D carry-on, it's not really worth ditching your old VHS/DVD for.
One of the reasons for my love of the Fifth Element is the styling: Gaultier-tastic, the whole business of beauty is well catered for too - Leelo's Chanel makeup box and Zorg's secretary's fancy mani-changing gadget are two things I know I'd love in my makeup kit. Imagine! Perfect smokey eyes every time! Winged cat flicks at the click of a button! Uber-professionally applied concealer and brows of perfection! The dream!
Sure you couldn't say no. But if Chanel were to make these magic makeup boxes then please Uncle Karl, can they be set less to stun, and more to stunna?