I'm a huge fan of Vichy's Normaderm line, which will possibly not come as a great shock to those of you who've come across my posts in praise of the microdermabrasion gear and night cream in this suite of products. Anyone who asks me for a recommendation for skin care for oily or problematic skin is guaranteed to get an earful about the fabulousness of Normaderm.
Even so, I always felt that the lack of a day moisturiser with SPF meant that there was a bit of a gaping hole in the armoury, and in fact I stopped using the Anti-Imperfection Hydrating Care around this time last year in favour of products with sunscreen.
Looks like Vichy spotted the same gap and behold - there's now a Stop-Press-Brand-Spanking-New moisturiser with SPF15 in the range! It's called ProMat, and my oily skin is loving it. ProMat gives a long-lasting matte effect (I know, you didn't see the matte coming, ha?) while still managing to hydrate skin and provide a most excellent base for make-up.
It'll be ideal for the (hopefully) sunnier, warmer summer months, as it helps to prevent recurrent shine in two ways: the UVA/UVB filters protect skin from the UV rays that can exacerbate excessive sebum production, while any grease that does manage to make a break for the surface is thwarted by sebum-regulating microspheres that mop it right up.
€17.50 from usual Vichy stockists.