Something old, new, borrowed and blue: does bridal

Bridal Stylist

Wedding season is drawing ever closer, so with that let's have a little look see at some of the advice we've posted up on these very pages to help make The Day even more gorgeous. And of course we had to throw in a few ridiculous posts too - for a bit of light relief loike.

  1. Scared of ghost face in your wedding photos? Avoid this and other bridal makeup mistakes in our two parter:
    Ask Boylan and Balfe: Bridal makeup part 1
    Ask Boylan and Balfe: Bridal makeup part 2
  2. You replied in your dozens and dozens to tell the Bridezillas of Ireland where to get a gorgeous updo
  3. Why did Flirty think girth doesn't matter in a wedding dress?
  4. You tell us who you rate for wedding makeup
  5. How not to do it. Seriously
  6. Remember Brenda from De Aprentiss? Here's some lovely pics of her in her bridal shop

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