Would you believe, I don't own Orgasm (or Super Orgasm!), NARS' cult-cult-cult and then some blush? Nope, I have a scad of their excellent eye shadows and I am a firm fan of the brand's lipsticks too, but it's eluded my grasp so far.
What is new to my makeup bag is the Copababana Multiple. At €40.50, this is an investment buy, but you get so much in the stick I actually cannot imagine I'm ever going to use it up. A cream-based silvery-metallic highlighter, it's shot through with a hint of pink, making it better suited to those with a cool skintone as opposed to those who may have a sallower skin - gold tones would be more flattering in this case, I reckon.
Like anything metallic, go easy with Copacabana, or you will have an unmistakable bang of robot off you. So this is best applied very sparingly, lightly blended and then - if you feel you could stand to wear a bit more - built to the intensity you like. I'd liken it to the cool sheen you get from MAC's Strobe Cream, but it's easier to use and blend as it's not a liquid.
So, eh, where do you put it? Chuck it on the top of cheekbones, on the browbone if you're a fan of that sheeny look, apply lightly down the nose, and in fact anywhere light hits on the face and which could stand a little emphasising.
Me? I've taken to using it right on my cupids bow (the little u-shaped dip on the top lip) and it's amazing how well it emphasises and sexes up your pout. Apply sparingly and lightly blend - hey presto! A wow-zingly emphasised pucker in a jiffy.
Obviously, this is not one for office-wear (unless, of course, you've a bit of a gra for the post boy), so probably best saved for nights out and special occasions.