16-hour this and 12-hour that: we're bamboozled all the time lately with products that stay put for hours - nay, days - on end. Foundations lasting 16 hours, mascaras with 20 hour wear - the list is growing at a rate of knots.
We've discussed this before and one commenter reckoned that the reasoning behind brands releasing such incredibly long-wearing formulations was so that you'd look your best coming out the other end of a kidnapping situation. After all, you've got to plan for eventualities, don't you?
But there a couple of things awry with longwear formulations and they are a) the stuff never stays on for the allotted time-span, b) why the frig would you want it to anyway and c) in order to make things bomb-proof, companies use film-formers to make products stick around for longer. Essentially, they're waterproofed.
Delightful. My own dessicated skin shudders at this type of product but for sebum-prone gals they're a godsend. Where do you stand on longwear products? Think they're great? Believe the claims? Rate in the comments!