No matter how bad things get I don't think I could ever forgo my visits to the hairdresser. (Well, obviously if I were homeless and wheeling my belongings around in a shopping trolley I might have to reconsider.)
But I am cutting down - and it seems lots of you are too. Last week tumbleweeds could have blown through the salon when I went to get my colour done, it was so quiet. Sales of home hair colour have risen sharply and industry types say this is because more women are alternating their salon visits with home colouring - thus halving the cost.
Let's face it nothing can ever replace a salon colour and home hair colour has a couple of things that will always put me off. It's messy and it stinks.
That's why Garnier Herbashine seems like it might be pleasantly different. It contains no ammonia, thus reducing the stink factor and making it kinder to hair. It's a cream so it shouldn't drip. And it works in ten minutes.
€9.99 - I saw it for sale in Tesco for €3 off - even better