Littlesis had a go of the Rimmel Glam Eyes mascara and gave it a thorough road test. I'm glad she did cos I can't use those Rimmel mascara wands without giving myself a grand old poke in the eye. Ouch! Here's what she thought.
"Blonde and skinny; these attributes are utterly undesirable. Remember that this is a mascara review though so I am of course talking about my eyelashes!
"They are almost non-existent and I try to combat this problem with lashings and layers of mascara. I never thought that Rimmel’s Glam Eyes would change my life, but I did think it would enable me to flutter longer, fatter lashes… which it didn’t.
"Rimmel’s latest mascara on the market promises to make lashes ‘look up to 80% longer and 10X more volumised’. Although I’m sure this is not the worst mascara around, it is certainly not top of my list. I used the mascara for daywear and although it did define my lashes and make them seem longer, it didn’t deliver what it promised.
"Kate Moss had fooled me!
"I tend to blame the mediocrity of this mascara on Rimmel’s comb applicator. I don’t fully understand the technology behind this unconventional applicator but it certainly doesn’t replace the effective original brush used on most mascaras.
"I’ll stick to my favourites, Benefit Bad Gal Lash and Clinique High Impact mascara …. until I surrender to yet another gimmick or celebrity-endorsed product!"