I was wanderin' round Dunnes on Saturday with a mate, not paying much attention to the usual, run-of-the-mill L'Oreal/Garnier/Rimmel/Maybelline cosmetics stands when something very bright caught my eyes. So I went back and checked it out.
It was an Essence cosmetics stand and sure, while this is very definitely a cheap range aimed at teenage girls, they did have a couple of on-trend bits I picked up to take a look at. One was their nail polish. Not on the website, frustratingly, but there was a range of mini-polishes called Colour Addict, resembling the bottle above, and in that range were a couple of flouro shades (not the one above, I can't find a pic of the exact shade). One of which was a bright, luminous pink. My interest piqued further, and I decided to purchase. The cripplingly expensive damage was €1.99, and off home I went.
Nails need to be short and very neat to take such a shocking shade, so I set to work filing them down with my trusty glass file. Leaving just a few mm above the finger, I rounded them to a squoval, and whacked on a coat of Jessica Nails Fusion, which I've been using to stop my nails from peeling. 2 coats of Colour Addict later, and I got myself 10 very fetching talons, that survived chip-free until yesterday. Not bad for a cent under 2 euro, eh?
I'm assuming that you'll find the Essence range across the Dunnes network but if not, the website FAQ says you can contact them via their website to find out about stockists in your local area.