I saw you gals gassin' about MAC Fluidline on the blather yesterday, and got all excited, because it's probably my favourite coloured liner range. I wear a lot of liner, and never shut up about it, so it's only fabillis to have some sisters in arms.
Reader ams told beaut.ie newbie bunnybun that she "should invest in the MAC Fluidline. It comes in a little pot and is really easy to apply!", and Atomic Blonde tended to agree. "I use MAC Fluidlines too - they are great. Its not liquid, more gel like and I apply with a MAC angle brush. Takes a while to get the hang of it but results are great and last all day", she enthused. Lynnie added her two cents worth too - apart from Ruby & Millie's i-writer (which I also love) "Fluidline is the only other eyeliner I personally would rate" she told us.
So why the feck is it so good? I'll tell ya.
Great colour choice, great consistency, presentation and great staying power. Fluidline comes in small glass pots and while you need a brush to apply it (I recommend the wonderful Smashbox Arced Liner Brush #21), you'll never regret the purchase. Each Fluidline is about €19 (cheaper in the airport!) and you can get them in all manner of shades - the three I have on constant rotation are Royal Wink (a vivid royal blue), Blue Peep (shocking, impact-tastic turquoise) and Iris Eyes, a fab bright lilac. All suit my brown eyes, but you can also get black, shades of brown and green, as well as a gorgeous silver/white, which will be my next purchase.
If you're a liner fan and you've never used this before, prepare to be wowed. The thick, gel consistency is a doddle to draw with, and you get no horrid jags or wonky lines like you can with felt pen style liners - which I HATE. I've tried lots of other gel/cream liners in pots from brands like Prescriptives, Smashbox and Clinique, and while all are good, MAC Fluidline is really the best of the lot out there.
It's just head and shoulders above the rest in terms of consistency, ease of application - and great colour choice.