One of the best tips we've gotten over the last few months of beaut.ie was from Glitterkitty, a frequent blatherer. She told us that coconut oil is only fabillis for adding shine and lustre to hair. So what is this stuff, how do you use it, and MOST importantly, where do you get it?
Over to Glitterk:
You'll need:
1 x teaspoon, 1 x tub coconut oil [it's solid at room temp]
And the method?
- 1 x heaped teaspoon of coconut oil is enough for two hands.
- Take the coconut oil into both palms - the oil will melt in your hands.
- Run your fingers through hair to distribute
She's yet to discover the optimal amount of time oil should be in hair - so what she usually goes for is a few hours while reading trashy magazines in anticipation of going out that evening. And she notes - hair will need to be washed to see results!
So where do you get this magical stuff? Well, coconut oil can be got in any chemist and it's sold in a plain tub and is usually on a shelf with items like silcocks base and aqueous cream. And it's cheap as chips - about €4 a tub.