When I came home from holiday last week, despite the liberal factor 50+ applications to the facial area, my skin was dehydrated. And, let us say, not unlike something Gordon Ramsey might see after a night on the beer.
Feel free to disagree, those who know me. If I get no disagreements I'll know that I'm indeed turning into Gordon.
So anyway I decided it was time to try out the famed Estee Lauder Night Repair protective recovery complex. This is the stuff of legend and has many fanatical fans.
It comes in a dark glass bottle and looks the part. Oh it's Serious Skincare alright. So far so good.
Promising skin renewal on a "cellular level" it looks and smells quite medicinal. Which I decided was A Very Good Thing. As in, it might actually work. Smooth it in at night (and confusingly in the morning too) before moisturiser. Quite thick in texture, it's a yellow colour and drips kind of gloopily off the dropper. But it sinks in quickly and isn't sticky at all.
40% reduction in wrinkles? Giving skin the dramatic ability to repair itself more quickly?
I'll keep you informed of my progress!
Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair