Ah Bosco. Even as a child I hated you. With your irritating high pitched shriek and your shrill cries of "Marion can we play our game now" etc. Your overexcited antics wrecked my after school relaxation of squash and rich teas.
And now as an adult I have come to despise you for another reason. Your blusher. In fact your whole "look" in general. I mean, did no one ever tell you that red dreads made out of wool are a style no no.
You ensured that you would go down in history as the worst crisis ever suffered by the RTE makeup department. Apart from Pat Kenny's orange foundation that is. It's no wonder that poor Sharon Ni Bheolain chooses to do her own heavy handed makeup.
Anyway what blusher would you recommend that Bosco uses to update his look? And how should he be applying it to shade and contour his cheekbones? Red lipstick brings him in on trend for this season - but perhaps a touch of gloss over the top?
How would you make over Bosco? He'll thank you for it. Assuming he's still alive that is.