Two readers have contacted us recently about Rosacea. One of you was looking for information on Eucerin Redness Relief Soothing Night Cream, and I've contacted their Irish distributor on your behalf. I haven't heard anything back yet, but when I do, I'll blog about it, fear not.
The other lady wanted to know if we could recommend her some new products. She's been using La Roche Posay for years, and wants a change.
For the benefit of the uninitiated, Rosacea is a common disorder of the facial skin. It's characterised by a reddening and an acne-like appearance of the skin, and it's very distressing for sufferers. It can be controlled, but not cured. Now, all I can really give you is some pointers to products I've found. I'm not a doctor or any sort of specialist, so I can't know with any certainty that what I'm telling you will be good for you. There are medications out there for this condition, including one called Finacea which is available here, so you could ask your doctor about it. We'd always encourage a visit to a doctor or dermatologist if you're in any way unsure about what you're using or if you feel there could be something better out there.
The good news (if you don't want to go down the prescription route) is that there are loads of products for sufferers. The aforementioned Eucerin Redness Relief Soothing Night Cream is an American product which is apparently amazing at reducing redness, but my research so far hasn't turned it up for sale here. In search of other good products, I logged onto skinstore.com, an American site that ships internationally. They carry a lot of high end cosmaceutical products so I knew I'd find something that would be suitable. You can browse skin care products by problem type, so it's very easy to find what you're looking for.
I think the EmerginC D-Red Daytime Emulsion product sounds like it's worth investigating. It's a "a special, active formulation with key vitamins and plant extracts to help soothe, calm, and strengthen cuperous, red, and sensitive skin. Helps rapidly diminish redness and improve the appearance of broken capillaries". That sounds pretty much perfect for the job. It costs $65.00 for 30ml.
Skinstore also sell a product called Joey New York Calm and Correct Serum is which rich in sea kelp, chamomile, Japanese Green Tea, plus Vitamin E. It works to reduce skin redness on the face due to Rosacea and broken capillaries. In addition it claims to be "excellent in helping to minimize the flaring of redness, as it gently soothes dry irritated skin". It's cheaper too, at $42.
Closer to home is the website of Rosacea Care, who are located in the UK. They claim to have the largest line of dedicated products in the world, and indeed they do sell a large range including skincare and makeup. The products aren't that cheap, but handily they do sample kits which retail from £15-£21, so you could get one of these to start off with and see how you get on.
For makeup, mineral makeup is perfect for you or anyone with sensitive skin - take a look at our post on Jane Iredale cosmetics for more information on their benefits.