I wore a big woolly jumper yesterday and it was the worst decision ever; I was boiling. I also wore my coat and scarf which could have been as mistake except that I didn't journey home till after dark when it was definitely still spring.
Today, there is a marked costume shift in the office. Everyone has ditched the cardigans they would normally wear over their other top and some of us even swapped our coats for jackets! But, we're not getting ahead of ourselves; our scarves are still on hand to wrap around us when the wind starts to blow and I'm fairly sure that one or two of us are wearing long-johns under their jeans and t-shirts.
Amy Huberman, however, has taken it to the next level and got her pins out sans tights.
Also, how about that dress ankle boots combo? That screams festival (on a non-mucky day wear to us. Is it really time?