Even if you go shopping every week (or every day, Jervis Street is way too close to our office) finding a really great piece is as rare as Kanye West being humble.
I found a pair of jeans in TopShop a few years ago that fit me like a glove, were in a flattering grey colour that went with everything and they were on sale for €15. And I had a student card. Lottery win moment. I wore them until they looked like they belonged to Tiny Tim, all shredded and full of holes.
Yesterday, that lottery moment came to me again when I clapped my eyes on this:
It's from River Island's 'Mustique' collection hitting stores next week. At €107, it's a little on the pricey side, but I can see myself wearing it all summer long. To the relaxed July wedding I'm going to, to Body & Soul, to work, to brunch . . . This baby is going to be my second skin.
It's even nicer in real life:
I heard on the grapevine that Millie McIntosh brought this exact dress with her to Coachella, and I really hope she doesn't snap herself in it because it will sell out in seconds. Let's just keep it a secret between you and me for now (but I'll race you for it next week, and be warned, my elbows are very sharp).
I'll be wearing it with tanned legs (I don't even need to do my arms with those sleeves!) and flat sandals or ankle boots. How would you wear yours?