Right, let's just power through this because we've reached peak contour madness and I'm starting to lose the will to live. All that's left to contour is the spine and the vagina so you can most likely expect more on those next week.
But this week, it's feet.
Seriously, who has time for this? No, wait, who has the inclination for this? I get that there is an artistic and technical element to it but it's hardly Cubism.
Anyway, liveglam.co have created a video so if you have literally nothing else to do and are in captivity with some bronzing and highlighting products, you might want to give this ago. I can think of no other situation when you want to do this.
Look, maybe I'm missing something here. Maybe I'm just lazy as sin. Or maybe I'm the sane one and that's why I can't shake the feeling that I'm writing this through some type of a portal from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and the Cheshire Cat is laughing his furry little head off behind me.
What say you?