Celebwatch: Justin Timberlake

justin timberlakeWell, in a case of parody imitating art (or something), Justin Timberlake appears to be channeling Joe Duffy. Jeeee-sus Justin, the state of you. The scraggly beard extending way futher south than it should, the weird peaky hair after the style of Kramer from Seinfeld, and the shirt a la a particularly sartorially challenged Geography teacher. But that's not the worst of it. WHAT has happened to your eyes!? Ladies, we've all heard of the reverse panda effect, but I do believe Justin has invented something new - the reverse sun-burn effect, if I'm not mistaken. It's like his sunglasses actually attracted the sun to his eyes only, and repelled it from the rest of his face. Sexyback? SexyLACK, more like.

Lucky Cameron, wha'?

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