Rate it: favourite comedy programme


My name is Aisling and I'm addicted to cheesy comedy.

There.  I've said it.

Whole hungover Sundays have passed in the peaceful embrace of King of Queens.  Lost hours have raced by with endless repeats of Two and a Half Men (BEFORE Ashton people, BEFORE Ashton, I haven't lost my senses entirely).  Mindless episodes of Frazierre (to rhyme with brassiere) as he is known in our house, were only bested by marathon sessions of Rules of Engagement.

Rules of Engagement how I love you.


Let me catch a sniff of  Michael McIntyre's Comedy Roadshow and you've lost me for the night.  Even back to back episodes of comedy shows *not* on Comedy Central can have the same mind numbing, hours passing in a blur effect.  The Big Bang Theory anyone?

I will even watch ancient episodes of Friends.  Yes, that is how bad it is.

It is really when you watch a whole lot of episodes of one comedy show in a row (at least five or six) that you begin to fall in with the pattern and anticipate the formulaic nature of the scripting.  They're all like Mills and Boon novels:  the audience expects certain things  and the comedy must deliver them every time.  In Everybody Hates Raymond for example we must have a misunderstanding between Ray and his wife to kick things off; an argument with the mother (who is busy making huge meals throughout); a few rude remarks from the da; a really bad misunderstanding between Ray and the galoot of a brother all conspiring to make Ray look like an ass.  And then we must finish off with Ray in bed with his wife attempting (unsuccessfully) to have sex with her

Well I've confessed now.  I know it's shameful.  I know I should be improving my mind and watching the erm Primetimes or Vincent Brownes that I've recorded earlier in the week.  Or possibly subtitled films.

Maybe... but I don't know if I'm strong enough...


What about you - tell me I'm not alone!

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